
AP Networt News

(((2003. 6. 23. Monday - former part)))

AP Update. I'm Nancy Lyons.

A fire official in Arizona says when firefighters saw flames heading up a mountain outside of Tucson, they knew they'd have no chance of stopping them. The fire reached the vacation hamlet of Summerhaven destroying 250 homes and leaving others untouched. The Arizona wildfires charred more than 3000 acres of land, and officials says tens of thousands more are likely to burn because there's no place to stop it. Jim Paine of the US Forest Service says crews are trying to save homes.
--- The fire is spreading. We've got high winds up there. We just don't have the details of potential for any more lost homes. Their operations are still going on at this point. Firefighters are still doing structural protection and working in areas where there's, they have safety factors to consider.

(이종인의 듣기일기)
The fire official in Arizona says when fire fighters saw flames heading up a mountain outside of Tucson. They knew they had no choice of stopping it. The fire reached the vacation hamlet in Summnerhaven, destroying 250 homes and leaving others untouched. The Arizona wild fires charred more than 3'000 acres of land and officials say tens of thousands more are likely to burn because there's no place to stop it. (Jim Headen) in U.S. Forest Service says crews are trying to save homes. "The fire is speading. We got high winds up there. We just don't have details of potential ***lost homes and our oeration is still going out of this point. Fire fighters are still doing such a protection and working in areas whether there, they have safety factors to consider.

산에서 불이나 산촌에 있는 가구들이 대피했다고 합니다. 150에이커에 달하는 면적이 타버렸다고 합니다. 현지 시각 화요일 발생한 화재는 Summerhaven에서 시작하여 2~3마일 속도로 진행하다가 정오쯤에는 1마일 미만의 속도로 진행되었습니다. 바람은 불지만 그렇게 강하지는 않고 진화작업도 진전이 있다고 합니다. 관계자 말로는 가벼운 화재는 산림생태계를 위해서 오히려 좋다고 하는군요. 생태계에서도 화재가 제 역할을 한다고 합니다. Summerhaven은 100년 역사의 거주지이지만 주로 주말이나 여름에 사람들이 많이 찾는 지역입니다. 700가구 이상이 산다고 합니다. ###인터뷰 중에서 details of potential [for any more] lost homes### 다시 들어도 잘 모르겠는데, 문장완성은 맞는 듯.

(김진희의 듣기일기)
A fire official in Arizona says when fire fighter so flame heading up the mountain outside Tucson they knew they had no chance stopping it. The fire reached vacation ( ) of Summer haven destroying 250 homes leaving others untouched. The Airzona wild fire charges more than 3000 arcs of land. And officials say tens of thousands of more are likely to be burn because there’s no place to stop it. Jim Paine of the US forest service says the crews are trying to save homes.
-- the fire’s running and high winds up there. We just don’t have details of potential ( ) lost homes. Their operations are still going out of at this point and firefighters still doing such a protection. Working in area weather ( ) they ( ) safety factor to be considered

다들 주말 잘 보내셨나요? 에공, 여전히 실수 투성이네요…^^ 인터뷰를 들으면서 상상의 나래를 펼쳤습니다.. 잘 안 들려서요.. 좋은 표현들이 있는데 제가 놓쳤네요.. 전반적인 내용은 아리조나주에 큰불이 있었고 불길이 빠른 속도로 번지고 바람도 불고 해서 불길을 잡기가 참 힘들었나 봅니다. 그리고 피해도 참 크네요.. 오늘부터 장마가 시작이라는데 아무쪼록 다들 피해가 없으시길… // char <불이 나무 등을> 숯으로 만들다, 까맣게 태우다. // leaving others untouched라는 표현도 좋네요..불길이 다른 곳으로 번지지 않았다. 정도로 해석하면 될까요??

US forces in Baghdad have uncovered what could be a treasure trove of intelligence information on Iraq’s weapons programs. Stacks of equipment and piles of top secret documents were found early today in an abandoned community hall. UN nuclear experts in Iraq say they’ve been able to account for tons of uranium believed to have been looted from a nuclear research facility. Much of it was dumped near the site by people who wanted its containers to store water.

(김진구의 듣기일기)
US forces in Baghdad have uncovered what could be a treasure (?)trove been intelligence information on Iraq’s weapons programs. Stacks of equipment and files of top secret documents were found early today in an abandoned community (?)hall. UN nuclear experts in Iraq say they’ve been able to account for tons of uranium believed to been looted from a nuclear research facility. Much of it was dumped near the site by people who wanted its container to store water.

이라크의 버려진 회의소에서 수상쩍은 장비와 문서들을 발견했답니다. ‘treasure trove’는 발굴물, 매장물의 의미이죠. 연구소에서 훔친 것으로 여겨지는 우라늄 저장통도 꽤 발견한 모양입니다. ◆ treasure trove : a large amount of money or a large number of valuable metals, stones or other objects found hidden somewhere and seeming to belong to no one.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
US forces in Baghdad have uncovered what could be a treasure ( ?? ) of intelligence information on Iraq’s weapons programs. Stacks of equipment and piles of top secret documents were found early today in an abandoned community ( ?? ). UN nuclear experts in Iraq say they’ve been able to account for tons of uranium believed to have been looted from a nuclear research facility. Much of it was dumped near the site by people who wanted its containers to store water.

Trasure trove의 정의— A collection of valuable objects. trove 혼자는 잘 안 쓰이고 treasure trove처럼 같이 쓰인다고 나오네요. Community hall은 community center와 비슷한 것 같은데.. 근데 그 컨테이너에 물을 저장해도 그 물이 안전한지…

In Vienna, Austria, correspondent George Yan reports the International Atomic Energy Agency is now concerned it’s not going to get promised cooperation from Iran.
--- The board basically urged Iran to be transparent. Iran, during the meeting, appeared to be leaning toward transparency. Now we have Iran saying that basically it’s not going to open some of its sites to extra inspections by this agency.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
In Vienna, Austria, correspondent George Alan reports the International Atomic Energy Agency is now concerned it’s not going to get promised cooperation from Iran.--- The board basically urged Iran to be transparent. Iran during the meeting appeared to be leaning to ……. Now we have Iran saying that basically it’s not going to open some of its sites to extra inspections by this agency.

이란이 IAEA에 의한 여분의 조사에 대해 몇몇 장소를 공개하지 않겠다고 거부한 데 따른 IAEA의 우려를 담은 비엔나에서의 회의소식…..transparency 투명(성), transparent 투명한 ## toward transparency가 앞은 분명 to+ad~라 생각하고 들으니 안 들리더군요.

Youngsters around the world are again under the spell of the boy wizard, Harry Potter.
--- Don’t release. Don’t have you. Oh, my God, I’m late. Ohh! Oh, my God. My legs are crying, for God. That’s so fleeting.
The latest Harry Potter book went on sale at midnight.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
Youngsters around the world are again ……… the boy wizard, Harry Porter.--- Don’t re…. Don’t ….. Oh, my god. …….Oh, my God. ….crying, Oh my God……..fleeting. The latest Harry Potter book went on sale at midnight.

Under a spell 주문에 묶여, 매혹되어…의 뜻이 있군요. 여기선 매혹되어 있다란 의미가 어울릴 것 같네요. Oh, my God….을 연발하며 열광하는 십대 소녀들…..wizard 마법사// fleet는 선단, 함대의 뜻 외에도 fast의 의미가 있네요. My legs are crying. That’s so fleeting부분은 벌써 다 팔려나간 책을 보며…고생해서 책을 사러 왔는데 못 사게 된 아쉬움과 빨리도 팔려나간 책에 대한 놀라움의 감정이 느껴지네요. 하지만, 제대로 듣기가 참으로 어렵습니다….. oh my god만 빼고요.

This is AP Network News.

(((2003. 6. 23. Monday - latter part)))

Looking at all the carnage, it’s hard to believe there were no serious injuries from a huge train wreck yesterday in Commerce, California. More than two dozen runaway freight cars were intentionally derailed on a sidetrack to keep them from barreling into downtown Los Angeles. Correspondent Eric Leonard was there.
--- Resident Tony Rojo says he watched the cars and cargo slam into his home. (Logs that were inside the train fell on, on, inside my house.) He says he ran. (It was crazy, so.) Luis Vasquez says he was raking leaves as the cars jumped the tracks behind his home. (A pair of wheels from the train, with axle and all, landed right in front of me, I mean, just from the air, landed straight in front of me. I don’t know how they didn’t hit me.) LA County fire department chief P. Michael Freeman. (Two of the houses are moderately damaged and two of them basically are destroyed.) But he says no one was seriously hurt. Eric Leonard, Commerce, California.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
Looking at all the carnage, it’s hard to believe there were no serious injuries from a huge train wreck yesterday in Commerce, California. More than two dozen runaway freight cars were intentionally derailed on a sidetrack to keep them from ?? into downtown Los Angeles. Correspondent Eric Leonard was there.
--- Resident Tony Rojo says he watched the cars and cargo slam into his home. (?? inside the train ??, inside my house.) He says he ran. (It was crazy, so.) Luis Vasquez says he was ?? as the cars jumped the tracks behind his home. (A pair of wheels from the train, with ?? right in front of me, I mean, just from the air, landed straight in front of me. I don’t know how they didn’t hit me.) LA County fire department chief P. Michael Freeman. (?? the houses are moderately damaged and two of them basically are destroyed.) But he says no one was seriously hurt. Eric Leonard, Commerce, California.

인터뷰 너무 어렵네요. 화물 열차 탈선사고가 있었나 봅니다. 열차 바퀴, 통나무 등이 날라 다녔다는데도, 다행히 큰 사상자는 없었다고 합니다. *** 1. ~to keep them from barreling into ~: barrel, 무서운 속도로 달리다. (예: The dump truck barreled along the highway.) 2. he was raking leaves: 나뭇잎을 긁어 모으는 모습 3. 인터뷰 여기저기 못 들었습니다.***

(정원교의 듣기일기)
Looking at all the carnage, it’s hard to believe there was no serious injuries from a huge train rack yesterday in Commerce, California. More than two dozen runaway freight cars were intentionally derailed on a sidetrack to keep them from (( )) downtown Los Angeles. Correspondent Eric Leonard was there.
-Resident Tony Rojo says he watched the cars and cargo slam into his home ((~~train I mean in my house)) He says he ran. ((It was crazy.)) Luis Vasquez says he was (( )) the cars jumped the track behind his home. ((a pair of wheels from the train with axles (( )) right in front of me I mean just from the air (( )) in front of me I don’t know how they didn’t hit me))
LA County Fire department chief P. Michael Freeman. ((The houses are moderately damaged and two of them basically are destroyed.))
But he says no one was seriously hurt.

주말 다들 잘 보내셨나요? 더위가 기승을 부리기 시작합니다. 단어부터 살펴보겠습니다. ((carnage, 전쟁터에 즐비한 시체나 송장)) ((wreck, 난파, 조난, 잔해)) ((freight car, 화물 열차)) ((derail, 기차를 탈선시키다, 계획을 실패시키다)) ((barrel, 질주시키다, 무서운 속도로 달리다)) ((cargo, 화물)) ((rake leaves, 낙엽을 긁어 모으다)) ((axle, 차축)) 자세한 사연은 모르겠지만, 화물기차 운전사가 기차의 속도를 늦추기 위해 탈선을 시켜야만 하는 상황이 벌어졌나 봅니다. 다행히 큰 부상자는 없다고 합니다. 인터뷰 부분은 정말 배째라 상황입니다. 첨 보는 재밌는 단어들도 군데군데 있습니다. 낙엽 긁고 있는데 갑자기 화물기차칸의 기차바퀴, 차축들이 날아왔으니 얼마나 당황했을까요. 잔해만 보고 있으면, 부상자가 없다는 게 믿어지지 않을 정도라니…짐작이 가죠. 기차바퀴가 내 앞에 떨어졌다란 표현 재밌네요. ((A pair of wheels from the train landed right in front of me.)) 영어공부 독하게 하기로 맘 먹은 지 일주일 만에 조금씩 흔들리는 제 자신을 봅니다. 이럴 때일수록 힘내서…여러분들도…화이링…Hope all is well.

Police in St. Louis report no luck trying to find out what happened to nine-year-old Christian Ferguson. He’s been missing since his father reported he’d been snatched in a car jacking.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
Police in St. Louis report ?? trying to find out what happened to nine-year-old Christian Ferguson. He’s been missing since his father reported he’d been snatched in a car jacking.

자동차 납치당한 9살 어린이 얘기입니다. 아직 생사에 관해 아무런 소식도 모르나 봅니다. 안타깝겠네요. 좋은 하루 되세요.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
Police in St. Louis report no luck trying to find out what happened to nine-year-old Christian Ferguson. He’s been missing since his father reported even snatched in a car jacking.

다 좋은데 ((his father reported he’d been)) 정말 안 들리네요. 들리기는 ((even))으로 들리는데 분명 말은 안되고…안타깝네요. 비행기 납치를 ((highjack))이라고 하니까, ((carjack))은 자동차강도 정도로 보면 되겠습니다. 자동차 강도범에게 납치된 9살짜리 아이의 소식이 아직 없다고 경찰에서 발표했습니다. 부디 건강하게 돌아오기를…

그외 검색된 가사들

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