Now, let's sing along, never ending songs
Cause even if I am slow, I will never stop
People say I am too slow to go and I know who I am
People say I can not do anything, even I thought so, right
But my life become lyric and I sing my way, my mind, yeah
I'm a little afraid but I will go my way slowly
Slow high Slow high
What could be, where it be, I still just go high
I've always been a nerdy, naive child
Seems to be losing something on my own, but I never mind
I just still go whatever I lost, that is my count
People are afraid of losing something that is different from me
But my life become lyric and I sing my way, my mind, yeah
I'm a little afraid but I will go my way slowly
Slow high Slow high
What could be, where it be, I still just go high