“Ah, I am hungry”
“Guys, Isn’t there anything you forgot?”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
Say hi when you get home
“I’m home”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
Wash your hands first
Clean, clean, clean your hands
“Hehe, I will play games first”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
You should finish your homework
“First before you play!”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
Clean up and put your toys away
After you are done playing
“You can do it, right?”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
Everybody, let’s try to
“Start with good habits”
Don't put it off
Don't put it off
Let’s not put it off
Everybody, let’s try to-
start with, start with good habits first
“Let’s not put it off!”