Baby, Baby
Yes, Daddy
Shall we have some ice cream?
Oh, soft milk ice cream
Oh, nutty almond ice cream
Aga for baby
Aiseukeurim for ice cream
Uyu for milk
Amondeu for almond
Daddy, Daddy
Yes, Baby
Shall we go on a trip today?
Under the palm tree on an island
Into amazing deep space
Appa for Daddy
Yeohaeng for trip
Yajasu for palm tree
Uju for space
Ha ha ha ha!
Baby, Baby
Yes, Mommy
Tell me, what are you doing now?
I am cooking with a duck
I’m brushing my teeth with a fox
Ori for duck
Yori for cooking
Yeou for fox
I for teeth!
Mommy, Mommy
Yes, Baby
Tell me, what are your favorite things?
Hot summer, fresh cucumbers
But what I love the most is my baby
Yeoreum for summer
Oi for cucumber
And lovely you, baby, Aga!
I-I-ya-ya, I love you
I-I-ya-ya, I love my family