Welcome to Pororo’s Hair Salon!
What kind of hairstyle would you like to do?
Hm… I’ll do this one!
Hairdresser Pororo, ready to go!
What kind of hairstyle would you like?
Snip snip I cut with scissors
Whoosh whoosh Now I’ll dry your hair
Wow, it’s beautiful!
Beautiful, my hair’s beautiful
Can’t believe I look this good! (Bling bling)
I look in the mirror, I sparkle sparkle (Sparkle)
Can’t believe I look this good!
Hm, I want this hairstyle!
Hairdresser Pororo, ready to go!
What kind of hairstyle would you like?
Curl curl I will twist your hair
Twist it, twist it Now I’ll braid your hair
It looks great!
Beautiful, my hair’s beautiful
Can’t believe I look this good! (Bling bling)
I look in the mirror, I sparkle sparkle (Sparkle)
Can’t believe I look this good!
Crong crong! Crong~
Hairdresser Pororo, ready to go!
What kind of hairstyle would you like?
Roll roll I will roll your hair
Poofy poofy Now I’ll perm your hair
Beautiful, my hair’s beautiful
Can’t believe I look this good! (Bling bling)
I look in the mirror, I sparkle sparkle (Sparkle)
Can’t believe I look this good!
Pororo’s Hair Salon, porong porong
Welcome to my hair salon (Sha la la)
I will make you look beautiful (Yay)
At Pororo’s Hair Salon!
At Pororo’s Hair Salon!