Well, they say that home is where the heart is
But you left, way back, and started roaming
For these streets that were so bright with promise
Mother's love is what you turned away from
Now you're trapped
Down in the City of Light
You'll go crazy
City of Light
City of Light
Blinds are drawn cross windows facing nowhere
In the day the darkness is complete
Close your eyes and try to cry away your nightmares
You just know the downtown city street
Where darkness reigns
Down in the City of Light
You'll go crazy
Try as you might there's no end to your days in the
City of Light
City of Light
You know these streets so well
Each drugstore, night club and bar
Don't try to run from here
You're not allowed to get far
Hookers prowl, the look, the pout, the open invitation
to liaisons swift with cold
In rainswept streets, the pimps are calculating
Acts of haste, the clients, lives they've bought and sold
Sell yours too
Down in the City of Light
Things go hazy
Try as you might you'll go blind in the blaze of the
City of Light
City of Light
There's been sudden death, a knife, down on the eastside
You can stand so much, then instinct takes its head
And though people say that home is where the heart is
They don't know that this damned city's heart is dead
There's no escape
Down in the City of Light
You'll go crazy
Try as you might you can never be saved from the
City of Light
City of Light
You know these streets too well
Each drugstore, night club and dive
There's no route out of here
You only know one way to survive