I was shorebound within seas glare
On blue coat tails twirling spent
Blistered foray spits in my eyes
I'll slough this drought of life
Sink wrecked weak
About potent turns of thunder
Lightening dagger's up
A thrill now my heart pumps
Matching tideflow turning
I'll jump and splash and jump and crash
And I wanted to she'd my skin
Into the ocean's suck
Twisted mountain men
Flowing aspray
And I wanted to she'd my fear
Into the ocean's suck
Twisted mountain men
Flowing aspray
I was seadrunk under seaspell
Listen, the swell of the surf
Shameless surging deeper urging
Deeper and deeper still
Still shunned ocean engulf me
Under seachange like a diver
Snake dancing spouting free
There's no memory of before me
Grinning water winks
The ocean sand
Beach burned nausea