가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

The Gift(禮物) Stanley Huang

乖뻘션돤儉 즛苟윱돨겁 君瞳돨儉뻘삔拳乖찐 힛墩뒤巧莖 랗枷鋸컸莖 Johnny엄땍닒늪잼역乖긋 乖寧늴寧늴 痰카쓸拿干 꼇횻儉伋넵 儉퀼毒句呵 꼇毒疼못乖 직잠돨휑綾 儉綱 깎왼 乖쳬돕侶쟁써監 샀冀떼戈딜 뚤乖궐싹봤 儉綱 깎왼 롸癎角못乖돨쟉膠 샀冀왯 붤우앎삔봤 션돤컸寧莖 잠瞳儉돨癩 꼇먕옜쐤怜角籃瞳乖쳔품 乖寧늴寧늴 痰카쓸拿干 꼇횻儉伋넵 儉퀼毒句呵 꼇毒疼못乖 직잠돨휑綾...

Atheist Like Me(無神論 英文版) Stanley Huang

轟쬠 (亶匡경) Wu shen lun (Ying wen pan) Atheist like me (English ver) I wanna believe in all the miracles too I wanna believe in all the fairy tales with you I want the happy ever after Really, I do

Into The Future(未來) Stanley Huang

I have these dreams Where I can see things happen I can see into the future 균콱崗癩 茶獨삔였돤숨 懃쟁돨挑寡 긴냥灌윱돨뺌충 균콱崗癩 륫瞳暾慷추 뼙拳몸彊쑨헷 콱돨츱頓瞳쟁충 깎뺙虜 깎畓滔 渡喇윱菱콱菱성 I have these dreams Where I can see things happen

hei de yi nian Stanley Huang

Neng bu neng gai bu gai wei le zhi ai Shi qu yuan ben shi qu le ping heng For true, can I or shoulds me Lose the saintly that I've previously lost?


It's all good if you wanna flaunt it, I wanna get up on it, but stop the tease. Just say please, if you really want it, cuz we can take it fast or slow just dont't say no.

Circus Monkey Stanley Huang

monkey (廬攣뎡舟係 콱돨circus monkey)x3 廬攣뎡舟係 like a rented mule Don't give it shit about me I'm not your circus monkey I got to get myself out I got to break free I'm not your circus monkey I will break the

Yu Yan (預言) Stanley Huang

渡喇 Yu yan Prophecy 寧몸훙功밥쌍봤獗홧죄痂척 닒윱청唐컸척뒈셔캄법 우룩죄 乖懃角왕돨 君瞳꼽츠겜 老黨땠죄侶몸各썹怜唐乖寧몸 첼늴拳돕 癩잠떼뀌寧듐딜苟윱 훠켐 빌俱찹찹윱 봤獗랙죄 쨌떼였꼇헌뇝 角꼇角우돕소죄 角꼇角癩쑥球죄 또綾姑봤獗唐痂척땜鮫寧殮늑 칭츰페췸뒈먁얾홱꼇列돛等척綱 쳤瞳懃쟁셕뺍綠쒔쏵契 냥접꼇죄怜콘綱綠쒔쐴제 뭍튕 꼽꼇宮斤 봤獗寧殮瞳깍폭 寧殮꼇...

I Wanna(要) Stanley Huang

럿쀼 훙잚覩迦榴檄 痰숌데렘駕 횻柰昑닸瞳 君瞳 界岺된덤界岺훠켐 렴癎횻콱竟 供홍譴겜 姦렴콱侊똑관鍋乖돨빌俱 닒侶寧취폅乖쳬湛꼇롸잼 U wanna do it to me I wanna do it to you U wanna do it to me I wanna I wanna 痰제녑늬 呵혼왠齡 痰제녑늬 呵혼왠齡 桂닒 땡膠굶콘던쥴 鞏땅듐품쏵 렴폴죄잿昑 綠쒔 딜쏵屈拌...

YIN LANG Stanley Huang

稜읫 Yin lang Sound wave 령 돕格왕踏曇 훈淪墩좋풉흙뒈헷 벨돕법庫拳괏즛湛씹 켬덟寧殮冷淪놔왯 彊槿쟁충텟몸侊홋 雷街령돨督윱督陶 쏜槿베牽녑몸稜읫 菱譚누虔瞳됴稜裂 (稜읫格퓻꼇뾔삔굳旒돕뒈) (x4) (녜잼竟렴역菱성 뒈懃多제婁꼇遼콱) (x2) 뫄淪稜읫寧폅직땡 앎뫄淪稜읫寧폅직땡 獗몸偃槿누督붚떪 契彊契돕캅格왕 劤돨역庫劤돨倒壟 콘쌈肝乖侶몸직槿돨菱...

Country Girl(小姑娘) Stanley Huang

컸轟逵 돨친湳 교淪쳄쟝拳獗 닒소券 돕陶렘 홱촬呵죄렘蕨 였꼇헌 格릿憧 覩윱莖컸척댕 鬼뮨쿤 깎벧태 侶各썹돨긴뺏 宮斤殮얾 宮斤콱돨懃 깎횻君茄 닫쁑죄틱쓰 宮斤殮얾 宮斤콱돨懃 깎굳콤븀 촬뼙죄癩쑥 格뜩돨 角宅렷 뵨닒품꼇寧湳 흼청唐 崗녁곪 狼等척콘령勸 였꼇헌 格릿憧 覩윱莖컸척댕 鬼뮨쿤 깎벧태 侶各썹돨긴뺏 宮斤殮얾 宮斤콱돨懃 깎횻君茄 닫쁑죄틱쓰 宮斤殮얾 宮斤콱...

NI SHEN BIAN Stanley Huang

콱긋 Ni shen bian Beside you 唐珂루뉘법乖돨졌 唐珂신丹뻘즛瞳츠莖 唐珂빅 戈죄浬뜩陶 乖鹿槨행뉴角굶풀 踞珂옵鹿疼路윱寧莖 돕離빈 角强튱죄强 첼寧몸훙촘쟁떼 삔唐뺌충 冷怜唐菱성懃쟁꼽콘였돤숨 杰鹿乖꼽령봤陶 唐寧莖欺삔죄拳쿡 랍君瞳돨乖離拳쀼콱긋 杰鹿乖꼽령봤陶 켬綾쟁훈淪콱댔써 뜩척拳숨콱 瞳侶寧취쇌∥쀼콱긋 乖懶淪휑놔돨뉩殮窟 꼇밗직죄뜩복彊 乖떼狼...


롸역쩠契 Fen kai lu xing Travel open part (Feat. Rene liu) 乖朞嶝혼쭤瓷 콱寧몸훙狼령蕨것잭 吝路몹菱돨엄땍 郭넣뵨틱돨갖헙 宮갖角寧蘆構痙 瞳菱譚뵨항쵱櫓踏盧 콱狂법格뜩늴乖갖꼇갖콱 Black black heart send 못콱乖돨懃 셕뺍角롸역쩠契가 槨부獗써애 乖츠겜 俓瞳콱돨뺙쟁 홱꼇寧땍瞳콱懃쟁 것잭苟죄寧憐莖黛 乖꼇拳...

Guai Guai Pai(乖乖牌) Stanley Huang

Nice guy (Feat Jolin tsai) Jolin tsai: 癩轟랬굳强둬예 옜쐤乖돨窮 앨癎尻璃乖랜콱뼙拳 겉乖뎠鱗춈빻鎌 Stanle huang: 갖윱돨우 혼돨우 갖뻘꼇뭘 箇콱갖 邱깎綱몸 NO 청훙갖 청唐强삶맡 侶꼇角 狼된덤굳갖돨珂덜 북: 乖꼇拳갖 寧몸밋밋탬 콱拳狼乖였 콱等척賈뻐 乖꼇拳뎠 寧몸밋밋탬 콱켜鹿렝徒돨갖 먁얾뭘뻐

BA GUA Stanley Huang

검茫 Ba gua Gossip 태죄찐 앎列돛콱청뺐綱죄걸 충뚤충꼇넓훰 컸炬죄걸 寧뚜검茫 흔벎꼇角콱꼇痰태 綱꼇땍깎훙각 페茄乖청뀌 乖꼇瞳빎 콱뻘얾돤乖청루똑 옵角乖앎拳 列돛돕뒀角强쉿돨 凜槨乖桂乖며며綱법 儉툉堂돨큽堂綱 콱뫄劒慊썬켕툉堂돨뒬 쉿乖뻐뺐 ⓢⓢⓢ 콱等척죄 等척졌꼇寧湳 乖쉿죄痂척 꼇狼겉儉拳梱 乖꼇角侶몸雷鋼 겉먼꼽綱돨뺐戈죄걸 잤쓰寧苟 깎녑땡 꼇狼槨죄鬼慤괬...

Stray Dog (流浪狗) Stanley Huang

직읫뭍 Liu lang gou Stary dog Well 乖怜角寧怜직읫뭍 乖浬쨌毆뻑偈庫 흔벎콱훠꼇遼층죄乖 乖拳狼綱묜毆콱 Cuz 乖斗務務 붤뜩훙얾돤乖悧角色色 庫땅淪촬콱획 페茄乖얾돤삶렷끽唐혹 꼇痰뎠鯤야 밥쌍뎠였狗 Cuz Heeeeey~I'm not your doggie 콱돨높튕 뵨乖청밑溝 Cuz Heeeeey~I'm just your daddy 乖돨돤雷...

Chasing Rainbows(彩虹的軌道) Stanley Huang

꼇횅땍唐뜩陶 꼽옵鹿돕莖왕쥼寧긋 乖쳬怜角蕨품 菱돤페있獗닭추 乖틈츱굴텝 懶淪꽈븀 瑠쭝돨뱀돛 乖틈츱璣冷 鹿槨侶湳 앎옵鹿冷돤돕 눈綱돨妗르닸꼇닸瞳 써벎꼇路狼 格뜩붚拈겜莖 쩠契청唐써監컸寧莖 乖쳬怜角蕨품 법넋格쳄綠屈 乖틈츱굴텝 懶淪꽈븀 瑠쭝돨뱀돛 乖틈츱璣冷 鹿槨侶湳 앎옵鹿冷돤돕 눈綱돨妗르닸꼇닸瞳 綠꼇路狼 乖뻘瞳굴텝 클제돨텝 샀冀唐寧莖삔횻乖冷돤돕 꽈븀돨신 宮...

ZHUANG YUAN Stanley Huang

榴禱 Zhuang yuan Big daddy 커瑞꺅쏜돕狼위돨珂黎 콱殮殮쿡솖乖돨庫옳姑 乖廬攣轟갖면桂 콱쉿흣겔짙였乖角寧몸轟쨌痰돨攝 쉿痂척轟충綾 凜槨꿍짙뗍칩놔윱 콱였콱툉堂댔틈 쏟찍귄撚翔冷庫쨌 콱角객等翔법휑綾 轟숌데살법혼 乖뚤흣겔쉿 콱拳돨角뮴豆珂덜 싻흣쌈흣소돨雷 ha∼꼽角轟갖 찝몬쉿 찝면쉿 乖싻콱찝면쉿 찝면쉿 찝면쉿 乖豆앎놔삔 (콱쏟찍狼눼 乖狼隣榴禱) ...

MI HANG JI Stanley Huang

촬봄션 Mi hang ji Lost at sea 특직봤씹 댄법붤뜩 瑙戈죄날蕨컴몸槿林 鄧쒔唐훙 槨乖廊뜻 꼇列츰돨彊癎 긋돨훙쳬 윱혼떼닐닐 던淪쌓뙈昑揆휭 狼충뚤뜩 肯慣돨鬼농 꼽界岺띌쭝 冷꼇돕坎咎돨莖왕 촬봄션돨彊癎 强윱槨乖듐寧몽삽뀜 聯츠乖돨닸瞳 칭츰녕격 寧몸灌윱 璣冷꼇닸瞳돨멍왯 샀冀怜拳 뫄淪强浬 법숌데돨삶

Gossip (八掛) Stanley Huang

검茫 Ba gua Gossip 태죄찐 앎列돛콱청뺐綱죄걸 충뚤충꼇넓훰 컸炬죄걸 寧뚜검茫 흔벎꼇角콱꼇痰태 綱꼇땍깎훙각 페茄乖청뀌 乖꼇瞳빎 콱뻘얾돤乖청루똑 옵角乖앎拳 列돛돕뒀角强쉿돨 凜槨乖桂乖며며綱법 儉툉堂돨큽堂綱 콱뫄劒慊썬켕툉堂돨뒬 쉿乖뻐뺐 ⓢⓢⓢ 콱等척죄 等척졌꼇寧湳 乖쉿죄痂척 꼇狼겉儉拳梱 乖꼇角侶몸雷鋼 겉먼꼽綱돨뺐戈죄걸 잤쓰寧苟 깎녑땡 꼇狼槨죄鬼慤괬...

A Child`s View(大人們) Stanley Huang

乖괠淪鯤야 였儉쳬납솥뻘瞳셨崎 꼇唐혹 뜰瞳렛쇌쟁 꼲儉쳬角꼇角凜槨乖 꼽폭 儉쳬댕납綱角槨乖봤 옵角乖꼽청唐궐싹봤 乖꼇拳桂돕 납돤慷꼇淪 헝狂 댕훙쳬 槨痂척꼇우있돨慤헙 꼇戈션 헝狂 댕훙쳬 槨痂척꼇欺乖역懃돨 鯤鯤야 乖鯤淪鯤야 된儉쳬북봤꼽콘던乖 놔쳔혼 棠납죄섯얌 옵꼇옵鹿우갛쓰寧苟 깎폭 儉쳬댕납綱角槨乖봤 옵角乖꼽청唐궐싹봤 乖꼇拳桂돕 납돤慷꼇淪 헝狂 댕훙쳬 槨痂척...

Atheist Like Me(無神論) Stanley Huang

轟쬠(櫓匡경) Wo shen lun (Zhong wen pan) Atheist like me (Chinese ver) 乖句寡 宮斤各썹唐 펜샬놔君 乖拳狼 乖쳬돨古뺐 꼇怜角疆쇌 乖句寡쏟빈떼콘우있 湛꼇롸잼 뎃乖꼇혼莖慊 乖꼇콘뭘톈콱 꼇닸瞳寧蘆湛뷩 꼇宮斤各썹唐 价空角꼇角老듐 삔界岺拳쿡 꼇콘疼항曠콱돨졌 꼇밗乖唐뜩뺙쿡 怜唐콱콘莖慊 乖돕꼇죄컸쟁 怜狼拳쿡청맣긴 꼇...

Show Me Your Demons Stanley Huang

콱꼇拳잿儉돨훙 끌淪콱獗몸聃산 拳법돤갛갛룀룀 뻘狼횻儉쳬툽硫 콱꼇角 冷삔뗐읔疼깍苟혼옵콘삔훙 乖뻑短콱윱蕨乖橘룃 깎綱콱廬돨컸척굻 Show me your demons show me your demons Come on show me your show me your demons Come on show me show me all your demons 笙쉿콱짙轟델...

I Gotta Go(脫離) Stanley Huang

乖按췻훨부寧廣聯앴 접옻錮잼君끝뇜侶몸鯉契 錮딜죄癎敬루擄 痰제꼰求 竟 꼇콘뭘꽥즛 寧두沂捻 乖俱쏵寧왯붚왯폭 덜競뻘唐沂瑾瓘돛돨빌俱 꽥훠돨踏狗 꼽늬샴 裙攣속醵 瞳롸쵭 Cuz I gotta go! And I gotta go! And I gotta go!乖朞嶝錮잼 I gotta go! I gotta go! I gotta go!乖寧땍狼錮잼 乖盧땡瞳綾緞쟁충꾜콴 杰...

Stanley Jazmine Sullivan

I'm in the kitchen making the dinner that I know you like And I've been cleaning this damn house all day and all night But you don't pay me no attention Stanley I'm needing your attention baby Just show

방물가(房物歌) 묵계월

방물가 (房歌) - 묵계월 서방 (書房)님 정 (情) 떼고 정 (正) 이별 (離別) 한대도 날 버리고 못 가리라 금일 (今日) 송군 (送君) 임 가는데 백년소첩 (百年小妾) 나도 가오 날 다려 날 다려 날 다려 가오 한양 낭군 (漢陽 郎君)님 날 다려 가오 나는 죽네 나는 죽네 임자로 하여 나는 죽네 네 무엇을 달라고 하느냐 네 소원 (所願)

Stanley Road Paul Weller

A hazy mist hung down the street The length of it's mile, As far as my eye could see The sky so wide, the houses tall Or so they seemed to be, So they seemed to me so small, And it gleamed in the distance

Stanley Climbfall Lifehouse

quiet seems like an honest world you're begging for the beggars' bread when the money's out stand climb and fall carry the world can't carry your own when the world is falling down and another

Tao (道) 黃宣YELLOW (Huang Hsuan YELLOW)

觀測不準的距離 原來 纏著霧氣的秘密 是他的不在場的證明 灑在月光下的提醒 嗚咿嗚咿嗚咿嗚 啊哈哈哈 像蒙娜麗莎的魔術 darling 想看清楚卻沒領悟 不停對你示好 你冷冷地對我笑 卻是我最珍貴的 哦 媽媽 我前進他的巢 我要哪裡找 每條路都顛倒 沒救藥 著了他的道 收不到的訊號 是否真的需要 嗚咿嗚咿嗚咿嗚 啊哈哈哈 關於 對自己的形容 像是 四腳毛毛蟲 藤蔓 到眼前的逼迫

Stanley Cups Lil Peeva

Panna, berkey, filtered water stanley cups for all my girls who drinkin water stanley cups for all my girls who drinkin water water, water, water Mountain valley, seltzer water stanley cups for all my


ONER木子洋: Now time to start that fight I'll try to make it right ONER岳岳: Every time I rub my gear to go Ever time I don’t feel fear no more ONER木子洋: The final shot on time Aint no where out to hide ONER

GIFT Inoue Yoshimasa, Kohmi Hirose(히로세 코미/広瀬香美)

胸に潜む愛を叫んでみたい 誰も知らない 一人の場所で だって言えないわ 見つめられたら 会えば恥ずかしいわ 愛される以上に愛していたい 掴めぬ心 守っていたい ずっと変わらないわ このときめきは Forever forever ever 伝えたい 聞かせたい 気持ち溢れるまま Darling I love you 貴方こそ Special special gift to me Precious precious

True Love SUPER JUNIOR-M (슈퍼주니어-M)

擁抱在白色世界 聽鐘聲響起誓言 想對著流星 許下心願 在這特別的夜 也許某一天 某一個瞬間 夢境全都實現 because It's true love快樂的節奏 閉上眼盡情的享受 感受我掌心裏的溫度 用微笑當做 我的 It's true love飛舞的雪花 降落在銀色世界上 深呼吸感覺浪漫瞬間?

No Like-A Da War Stanley Holloway

In Italy when Mussolini called for men He make-a me go To fight-a the foe He say with a grin you`re sure to win and home again That liar Benito whenever we meet-o I make-a the Blitz they pick-a the bits

If You Were The Only Girl In The World Stanley Holloway

If you were the only girl in the world And I were the only boy Nothing else would matter in the world today We could go on loving in the same old way A garden of Eden just made for two With nothing

The Lion & Albert Stanley Holloway

finest that Woolworth`s could sell They didn`t think much to the ocean The waves they were piddlin` and small There were no wrecks and nobody drownded `Fact nothin` to laugh at at all So seeking for

Down At The Old Bull And Bush Stanley Holloway

Talk about the shade of the sheltering palm Praise the bamboo tree with it`s wide spreading charm There`s a little nook down near old Hampstead Town You know the place it has one great renown Often with

The Return Of Albert Stanley Holloway

You`ve `eard `ow young Albert Ramsbottom At the zoo up at Blackpool one year With a stick with an `orse`s `ead `andle Gave a lion a poke in the ear The name of the lion was Wallace The poke in the ear

Old Sam (Sam, Pick Oop Tha' Musket) Stanley Holloway

It occurred on the evening before Waterloo and troops were lined up on Parade and Sergeant inspecting `em he was a terror Of whom every man was afraid All excepting one man who was in the front rank A

Any Old Iron? Stanley Holloway

Just a week or two ago my dear old Uncle Bill He went and kicked the bucket and he left me in his will So I went around the road to see my Auntie Jane She said your Uncle Bill has left you a watch and

Where Did You Get That Hat Stanley Holloway

I must always wear his hat Where did you get that hat Where did you get that tile Isn`t it a nobby one and just the proper style I should like to have one Just the same as that Where`er I go they shout

Three Ha'pence A Foot Stanley Holloway

I`ll tell you an old-fashioned story That grandfather used to relate Of a builder and joining contractor Who`s name it were Sam Oswaldthwaite In a shop on the banks of the Irwell There Sam used to follow

Fire And Brimstone Ralph Stanley

I had a dream last night I was lying in my bed The whole world was standing still and the moon was turning red I saw a sign in the sky I have come to set you free There’s a light shining bright shining

Sure 'Nuff 'N Yes I Do Ralph Stanley

Well I was born in the desert Came up from New Orleans Came up on a tornado Sunlight in the sky Sure enough baby sunlight in the sky Hey hey young girl where you at I got a brand new Cadillac I got a brand

Hideaway Stanley Clarke

You know I gotta go Got to find a place Get away From the human race Find a place where the air is clear On a sunny day, sunny day I got to find A Hideaway, hideaway Hideaway Hideaway Hideaway

'Alt! Who Goes Theer? Stanley Holloway

Old Sam first came to London When George the Fourth were King He`d been in th`Army man and boy For twenty year come Spring The troops were lined up on parade And Sergeant says `Eh Sam T`neet tha` goes

My Favorite Things Stanley Jordan

packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudeles Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the

Brahn Boots Stanley Holloway

Our Aunt Hanna`s passed away We `ad her funeral today And it was a posh affair Had to have two p`licemen there The `earse was luv`ly all plate glass And wot a corfin oak and brass We`d fah-sands

Still Got The Blues (Live) Stanley Jordan

Still Got The Blues/Gary Moore....

Sometimes When We Touch Tracy Huang

You ask me if I love you And I choke on my reply I’d rather hurt you honestly Than mislead you with a lie And who am I to judge you On what you say or do I’m only just beginning to see the

Sometimes When We Touch (2002 Digital Remaster) Tracy Huang

You ask me if I love you And I choke on my reply I’d rather hurt you honestly Than mislead you with a lie And who am I to judge you On what you say or do I’m only just beginning to see the real