The Book Of Morris Johnson

Zee Avi
등록자 : May


The turtle moves slowly and is happy with his pace of life

The flamingo walks with elegant grace,
she knows she's one of a kind

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~~

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~~

Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel

The happy crab danced on the beach to a
calypso beat

The happy mullet jumps for the pure joy of being ..alive~

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~

Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel


The gator grinned as he dreamed of his next meal

Every good fisherman has a pelican watching over him

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~~

If you can't stop, at least smile as you
go by~~

Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel

. . . 좋아요 ~  ♬   】

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