Let’s go shopping with alphabet monsters!
Shopping, shopping, oh, so many clothes to try!
Shopping, shopping, we love shopping,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?
Monster S is buying socks. Socks! S-O-C-K-S!
Monster H is buying a hat. Hat! H-A-T!
Monster O is buying overalls. Overalls! O-V-E-R-A-L-L-S!
Monster P is buying pants. Pants! P-A-N-T-S!
Let’s go shopping with alphabet monsters!
Shopping, shopping, oh, so many clothes to try!
Shopping, shopping, we love shopping,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?
Monster P is buying a poncho. Poncho! P-O-N-C-H-O!
Monster I is buying an indigo jacket. Jacket! J-A-C-K-E-T
Monster N is buying a necklace. Necklace! N-E-C-K-L-A-C-E!
Monster G is buying gloves. Gloves! G-L-O-V-E-S!
Let’s go shopping with alphabet monsters!
Shopping, shopping, oh, so many clothes to try!
Shopping, shopping, we love shopping,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?