A boy and a girl
Albatross around their necks
Hands burning from the rope
Ship stranded in the tropics
Acidification wiped
out the tiger shark
Let's try to save their souls
And trust the man with the Torah
We got the wind in our sail
Like Darwin on the Beagle
And Mendel experimenting
with a pea
We got the wind in our sail
And we can do
so many great things
together together
Breathe in the salt
Slicing waves at forty knots
Cumulonimbus in the sky
This is what we waited for
And now there's no more
hyperventilating in wheelchairs
We're gonna save the
last auk on Funk Island
We had to do it wrong
Before we could do it right
We got the wind in our sail
Like Darwin on the Beagle
And Mendel experimenting
with a pea
We got the wind in our sail
And we can do
so many great things
together together
Pushing the stone up the hill
And if it rolls back down
Whoa Sisyphus it rolls back down
Pushing the stone up the hill
And if it rolls back down
Whoa Sisyphus it rolls back down
We got the wind in our sail
Like Darwin on the Beagle
And Mendel experimenting
with a pea
We got the wind in our sail
And we can do
so many great things
together together