何するにせよ そっと耳元で語ろう
*Let me try to be back to this place anyday
Let me try to be back to this place anyday
乱れた暮らしで 口説かれてもイヤ
横浜じゃ ドラディショナルな彼のが
*Let me try to be back to this place anyday
Let me try to be back to this place anyday
あなたの事が頭にチラついて Sha la la
*Let me try to be back to this place anyday
Let me try to be back to this place anyday
雪になりそな Merry merry merry Christmas Amen
今年もなにゆえ さかのぼれば夢
二人でいて楽しけりゃ なおのこと
*Let me try to be back to this place anyday
Let me try to be back to this place anyday