In hindsight I can see love ain't blind
so I take, one step forward, two steps
back In hindsight I can see love ain't
blind so I
Must voice, trust choice But when was
there ever one to shun I won't rape
don't hope, to find inbetween, a way to
stay as I am torn in two
I'm torn torn in two, into make one
For the greater good I should, I would
I could forget and forfeit No regret I
won't let me forget, no regret
My decision to break will be the incision
I make Take it away, all for the best
Make me, take it away all for the best
and the test will come
To remain the same I'll play the waiting
game it's just a matter of time But it's
something that's not on my side With
the gun of fate loaded for me to bite the
bullet I'll leave a love, I'll lose a love
The only choice left, left from right
Right from the start, a broken heart, is
torn in two I'm torn into you