Close your eyes, let that rhythm get into you, relax your mind
You've got to feel that heat...
Close your eyes, let that rhythm get into you, relax your mind
You've got to feel that heat... you can get me
Yes I know あの愛 know 衝動のままついてくる欲望
Yes I know 아노아이 know 쇼-도-노마마츠이테쿠루요쿠보-
Yes I know 그사랑 know 충동의그대로따라오는욕망
Oh no 事件·ニュ-ス·數日·報道騷動になる少女
Oh no 지켄·뉴-스·스-지츠·호-도-소도-니나루쇼-죠
Oh no 사건·뉴스·수일·보도등이소동이되는소녀
無くさないでよ soul with your fear and sorrow
나쿠사나이데요 soul with your fear and sorrow
잃지말아요 soul with your fear and sorrow
未來見えなくても smile and maybe tomorrow
미라이미에나쿠테모 smile and maybe tomorrow
미래가보이지않아도 smile and maybe tomorrow
訪れる春待ち though your heart is aching
오토즈레루하루마치 though your heart is aching
찾아오는봄을기다리며 though your heart is aching
いつかの願いさき even though it's breaking
이츠카노네가이사키 even though it's breaking
언젠가의바램이피어 even though it's breaking
君の道を照らす明かりになりたい I show you give you どんな時も
키미노미치오테라스아카리니나리타이 I show you give you 돈나토키모
그대의길을비추는빛이되고싶어요 I show you give you 어떤때라도
control your touch! 終わんない夢を catch! 出來るまで pitch! 上げて走り拔けて
control your touch! 오완나이유메오 catch! 데키루마데 pitch! 아게테하시리누케테
control your touch! 끝나지않은꿈을 catch! 될때까지 pitch! 올려서달려나가요
消せない思い達瞳の奧に映るよ輝きとして you can do it!
지울수없는기억들눈동자의저편에비쳐요빛나면서 you can do it!
見えますか? 開きたくても開け方わからない扉
미에마스카? 히라키타쿠테모아케카타와카라나이토비라
보이나요? 열고싶지만여는방법을모르는문
色んな風が通り everyday create your history
이론나카제가토오리 everyday create your history
여러바람이불어 everyday create your history
迷路に踏み入れたり every path you take you're leaving your legacy
메이로니후미이레타리 every path you take you're leaving your legacy
미로에발을들여놓거나 every path you take you're leaving your legacy
きっと辿り着くからね light up your face with gladness
킷토타도리츠쿠카라네 light up your face with gladness
분명도착할테니까요 light up your face with gladness
深く傷ついてもね hide every trace of sadness
후카쿠키즈츠이테모네 hide every trace of sadness
깊이상처입어도말이죠 hide every trace of sadness
君が道を照らす明かりをくれたね you show me give me どんな時も
키미가미치오테라스아카리오쿠레타네 you show me give me 돈나토키모
그대가길을비추는빛을주었죠 you show me give me 어떤때라도
control your touch! One night your heart catch! つかむまで pitch! 上がる胸の鼓動
control your touch! One night your heart catch! 츠카무마데 pitch! 아가루무네노코도-
control your touch! One night your heart catch! 잡을때까지 pitch! 오르는가슴의고동
消せない想い待ち續けるんじゃなく素直なままに you can do it!
케세나이오모이모치츠즈케룬쟈나쿠스나오나마마니 you can do it!
지울수없는마음계속가지고있지말고솔직하게 you can do it!
control your touch! 扉開けて catch! 情熱の pitch! 冷まさないでいて
control your touch! 토비라아케테 catch! 죠-네츠노 pitch! 사마사나이데이테
control your touch! 문을열어 catch! 정열의 pitch! 깨지말아요
I've learned that heart needs expression baby さぁ諦めずに you can do it!
I've learned that heart needs expression baby 사-아키라메즈니 you can do it!
I've learned that heart needs expression baby 자-포기하지말고 you can do it!
夕燒け香る公園の You & I 君は僕に "You can get me"
유-야케카오루코-엔노 You & I 키미와보쿠니 "You can get me"
석양이피어오르는공원의 You & I 그대는나에게 "You can get me"
control your touch! 終わんない夢を catch! 出來るまで pitch! 上げて走り拔けて
control your touch! 오완나이유메오 catch! 데키루마데 pitch! 아게테하시리누케테
control your touch! 끝나지않은꿈을 catch! 될때까지 pitch! 올려서달려나가요
消せない思い達瞳の奧に映るよ輝きとして you can do it!
지울수없는기억들눈동자의저편에비쳐요빛나면서 you can do it!
control your touch! One night your heart catch! つかむまで pitch! 上がる胸の鼓動
control your touch! One night your heart catch! 츠카무마데 pitch! 아가루무네노코도-
control your touch! One night your heart catch! 잡을때까지 pitch! 오르는가슴의고동
消せない想い待ち續けるんじゃなく素直なままに you can do it!
케세나이오모이모치츠즈케룬쟈나쿠스나오나마마니 you can do it!
지울수없는마음계속가지고있지말고솔직하게 you can do it!
control your touch! 扉開けて catch! 情熱の pitch! 冷まさないでいて
control your touch! 토비라아케테 catch! 죠-네츠노 pitch! 사마사나이데이테
control your touch! 문을열어 catch! 정열의 pitch! 깨지말아요
I've learned that heart needs expression baby さぁ諦めずに you can do it!
I've learned that heart needs expression baby 사-아키라메즈니 you can do it!
I've learned that heart needs expression baby 자-포기하지말고 you can do it!
Open you eyes and feel your heart beat
control your touch!